Our organic mushroom-powered supplements
will help you to push past your limits
Professional Grade, Premium Quality, Organic Supplements
Comprehensive background in herbalism, hands-on experience, strong connection with clinicians. Decades of learning let us create top natural health supplements.
Advanced Product Quality
Cutting edge research, effectiveness along with premium quality, clinical potency, clean and raw materials. We source precise extracts based on clinical research.
Vital Force
Restore, renew, grow. We handle ingredients carefully keeping its life vital energy from soil to pill.
Mushroom-powered supplements that help you feel, think, move, and live your best life
“A few weeks after I started taking MycoRev Immune and MycoRev Tonic I noticed very significant shift in my life. Suddenly I began to feel like I was not as sensitive or anxious, and overall I just felt happier and more buoyant. I don't know what the hell is in these mushrooms but I'm gonna keep taking them!”
— Salaams C
“As a father, entrepreneur, CrossFitter, and amateur biohacker I am always looking for something that improves performance both mental and physical. Since I started taking MycoRev Neuro and MycoRev Adapt I beyond a shadow of a doubt notice a difference. From working on client projects to intense workouts in the gym, I feel a different level of focus that’s nothing like I have experienced on any other supplement. 3rd planet for life! ”
— Kyle P.
“I am grateful for the Tumeric PhytoRev. I can rely on it to help me with inflammation and it is a great product that I recommend for my patients who find relief from acute or long-standing joint inflammation. The MycoRev Neuro is another favorite and I have combined it with the Tumeric PhytoRev with good results for stress and overwhelm with brain fog. ”